Monday, April 24, 2017

Phen24 customer reviews

Phen24 is a dietary supplement for weight loss that I will be talking about today. You can find Phen24 at its official website called and you can order it there. The price of one month's supply which should last about 30 days is between $75 to $85 if you order it from the official website, with the handling and shipping being free apparently.
In my opinion, it is expensive, and I mean too expensive, especially taking into consideration things like a complete absence or lack if you will, of clinical proof of purity, safety, and efficacy.

It has not been tested in a clinical trial is what I am saying so it's no different than other online supplements that claim to help you burn fat. As if that wasn't enough, although you do get a full list of ingredients on the official website, Phen24 does not show the amounts for each ingredient, or even for its proprietary blends in the Day and in the Night versions of the product.

Phen24 Day ingredients list: Caffeine, Guarana Extract, Cayenne Powder, Phenylalanine, Iodine, Manganese, Zinc Citrate, Copper Sulphate. Phen24 Night ingredients list: Glucomannan, Chromium Picolinate, Biotin, Choline Bitartrate, Molybdenum (Sodium Molybdate), Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5), Thiamine (Vitamin B1), Pyridoxine HCl (Vitamin B6), Green Tea Extract, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Griffonia Extract, Hops Extract.

There are some ingredients in there that could work to help you burn more fat. For instance, Gthiamin or vitamin B1 is involved in gluconeogenesis or glucose production. Not all of the ingredients are reliable though or have good, valid and solid proof of helping to burn fat or promoting weight loss. For instance, guarana is actually popular, for some reason, in weight loss. Ironically, however, it has no evidence of helping with weight loss. It appears that it can increase fat oxidation, however, the evidence is insufficient for weight loss.

But really, perhaps the biggest issue is that we don't know what doses are used here so we can't determine any potency with the formula.

Lurong Living Reviews - Does it Work?

Here I am again with a review for another health-care dietary supplement. This one can be found on which is probably the name of the company that manufactures it and the name of the supplement is Lurong Living Essential. Lurong Living Essential is a natural dietary supplement that offers you pure velvet deer antler extract, 1000 milligrams of it.

What is deer antler extract? Well actually you guys already know, I don't think there's anything to explain here. The name says it all, it is something that you obtain from deer as well as elk antlers, believed to have medicinal properties or effects. You break the antlers until they become dust, powder form and you use it orally. It is very popular in traditional Chinese medicine and if we go by this and rumors and what various people believe, sure, it looks great and should help your health a lot, however, I prefer science.

Science is more certain, gives you a more exact answer on wether something has medicinal or health properties or not. And what does science say about velvet deer antler extract? Well, there have been multiple studies, on multiple topics. Lurong Living Essential claims to help your muscle strength, bones, and joints. While rumors and whatever traditional medicine from ancient times would like to make you believe it works, science says the opposite, it shows the opposite. It was clinically tested to check if it can improve sexual function/drive, to see if it can improve muscle strength or mass, to see if it can help joints/cartilage heal and in most if not all of these studies it failed to prove itself. This deer antler extract does not appear to improve a hormonal response in the human body or to increase muscular strength or aerobic power as some would like to claim.

As much as I would like to recommend this, the science just is not there to prove that it works or that it is 100% safe for all healthy or unhealthy individuals. So what you can take from this article is that you are free to use it if you want but be prepared to be disappointed because it lacks proof.
The official website claims to offer 30 days money-back guarantee and if that is true and they honor their promise, then I guess you have nothing to lose.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Perfect Biotics Ingredients and Review

Today I want to take the time and talk about something called a probiotic supplement which contains living bacterial microorganisms called probiotics into its capsules. There is a specific such supplement online, well there are many but today I will focus on Perfectr Biotics, from Probiotic America. Perfect Biotics is affordable and in terms of CFUs and strains, it is one of the better online dietary probiotic supplements. That is because it has a lot of CFUs and strains and that is good.

For those of you that do not know much about probiotics, CFUs stands for colony forming units and it refers to the number of bacterium units in each casule or in the supplement as a whole. Strains however, will have a much smaller number than CFUs because strains are unique bacteria belonging to certain species, for example Lactobacillud acidophilus is a strain belonging to the genus or species Lactobacillus.

In general it is recommended that you look for supplements with more CFUs and more strains. Over 10 billion CFUs is the standard and you should also look for a decent amount of strains. Perfect Biotics has 30 billion CFUs per capsule, with 30 servings in a month's supply container and it contains a total of 15 unique strains of bacteria. There is a list of ingredients with all of the strains on the official website but I will also post it here.

Ingredients :
Proprietary Probiotic Blend: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Bifidobacterium breve, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactococcus lactis, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus brevis, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium infantis. Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, Stearic Acid, Vegetable Cellulose (capsule) and Silica.

Probiotic supplements generally offer digestive as well as immune support. Probiotics have clinical proof of inhibiting various potentially harmful microorganisms, reducing the risk of infection, helping inflammation, helping digestion and more. Of course, I must mention that each strain really is unique and the benefit/effect can be different. Read more about Perfect Biotics Ingredients here!

Formula Focus Review

Should you buy or use the dietary nootropic supplement Formula Focus?
This is a relatively new dietary nootropic on the online market which offers some nice ingredients in a formula that the manufacturers promise to offer you improved focus, memory, attention, mood and more.

You can find the official website at where you can read the label or place an online order for this dietary supplement.

Here are the ingredients for Formula Focus: St. John's Wort as 3% extract 250 milligrams, Glutamine as L-glutamine hydrochloride 150 milligrams, Phosphatidylserine complex 125 milligrams, Bacopa Monnier extract with 20% bacosides 100 milligrams, Acetyl-l-carnitine 50 milligrams, DMAE bitartrate or Dimethylaminoethanol 50 milligrams, Ginkgo biloba as 24% extract 50 milligrams and finally Vinpocetine 2 milligrams.

Formula focus doesn't make any breakthrough in terms of ingredients or formula, it is not different than other dietary nootropic supplements.

Ingredients like these are used by many and also it has the same problem that many dietary nootropic supplements share which is low amounts. Basically, this supplement like many others has no clinical proof, however, you can look at the label and see the ingredients and their quantities and based on that you can get an approximate idea of how efficient the supplement may be.

You can verify if the ingredients have some proof to them or if the quantity used is enough to offer potency. Potency means effectiveness or efficacy, the strength of the supplement. As a rule of thumb, you should find the same if not higher quantities than those recommended clinically, that way you can expect the ingredients to have some potency but here the quantities are lower than those that are recommended clinically or the normal standard which means that likely the supplement will lack potency or effectiveness.

2mg of Vinpocetine is incredibly low and the same cam be said for acetyl-l-carnitine. Read full Formula Focus Review here!

VitaPulse Princeton Nutrients Review

So lately there has been a lot of talks, the debate about free radicals and antioxidants and I think that this has been stirred up by the fact that more products claiming to help reduce oxidation on human cells and improve performance, promote healthy aging and so on, have appeared.
One of them and one that I have used myself and I actually do recommend it is VitaPulse from Princeton Nutrients. Vitapulse uses Coenzyme Q10, Pyrroloquinoline quinone, and N-acetyl-cysteine to promote healthier ageing, improve mitochondrial function and health as well as provide cellular metabolism support, it should also help with cognitive function and with neuroprotection and maybe even more, the study on radicals continues but it is clear that they are damaging our cells and this type of damage accumulates as we grow older. If you've ever seen or known a person that smoked a lot, like maybe a pack or more in a day, you know that they don't age well and they live with the real risk of developing cancer and other severe problems and free radicals contribute to those problems.

The debate is especially focused on whether a healthy individual, an average person that doesn't smoke or have other bad habits like that but lives a relatively healthy lifestyle, does this person need antioxidant supplementation?
Unhealthy habits like smoking as well as unhealthy eating, sedentarism and more, they cause more radicals in your body and thus increase the risk of health problems, unhealthy ageing and so on but if you have a healthy diet and take your antioxidants from there and if you are regularly active and not exposed to harmful factors, the general consensus is that you don't need antioxidant supplementation. In any case, your doctor knows better about whether you do or don't need antioxidant supplementation so don't make that decision yourself, first consult the medic. Vitapulse can help because I've experienced a few benefits with it and I was pretty satisfied, but it can come with side-effects which are why it's important to consult your medic.
N-acetyl-cysteine, as well as the rest of its ingredients, are clinically tested and proven to provide benefits such as replenishing levels of glutathione and more.

Visit Princeton Nutrients for more info.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Nucific BIO X4 Reviews - Does it work?

Today's dietary supplement is a probiotic but also a weight loss supplement. It is Bio X4, manufactured by a company that goes by the name of Nucific. io X4 being a probiotic contains living microorganisms that are called probiotic bacteria. Probiotics are the good side of bacteria, with the rest being mostly pathogens that can cause harm, disease, death.  The name is a mix of latin and greek and it means "for life", a mix of "pro" and "bios".

Probiotic bacteria are important for your immune system and your digestion the most, but they clearly have a bigger impact on health and performance, unfortunately, though we don't understand them completely or their mechanisms of action through which they offer their benefits to us. Some scientists believe that these bacteria have influence over the brain as well, over mood and over cognitive performance. It could very well be so and the more we know, we could maybe one day use them as a part of nootropic supplements.

Your body already has probiotic bacteria in it, but it's impossible to know how many exactly. It's roughly estimated that you have a minimum of 30 trillion bacteria in your body and that you can have up to several hundreds of trillions so it's entirely possible that you can or may have more bacteria than the number of human cells that make up your body.
They multiply really fast and easily if the conditions are right, but can just as easily die and your gut can be affected negatively by an imbalance in the gut microflora.

Antibiotics are one of the main causes for microbiome imbalances because of antibiotics, of course, kill bacteria, probiotics too. Abusing antibiotic kills a lot of probiotic bacteria and can cause digestive problems as well as make you more susceptible to sickness. Products such as Bio X4 can help by colonizing your gut with probiotic bacteria and helping to restore a healthy balance. Bio X4 offers 5 strains including L. acidophilus and L. rhamnose, as well as digestive enzymes, green tea, and Caralluma Fimbriata extract to reduce appetite and promote fat loss. Visit to find out more or order.

What is Niagen?

A lot of people use supplements, there is no doubt about this. I know this because I have friends and people I know that use some type of supplement. I have friends that go to the gym and that take protein supplements, I have friends that use multivitamin supplements although occasionally, such as when the cold season approaches because they believe that it will help them in avoiding a cold or another type of infection. Also, there are studies on this that show that more than half the population of earth is on some type of supplementation or uses supplements occasionally or regularly.

Few of them use them properly, however. Also, for example, for many beliefs that people have, there is, in reality, no proof or not enough, or very inconclusive and unreliable proof. What I mean is that many people believe that using a multivitamin or other type of supplement reduces the risk of getting a cold. In reality, looking at studies, more often than not regular supplements do not prevent colds in people.

Also, it seems as though everyone expects the same results when in reality it's much more complicated. A supplement will offer different benefits varying on the individual, the person using it. Lifestyle, age, gender, all of these factors matter when using a supplement. Some supplements help some people more than others, maybe because those people need the help. Think of it this way, if a person has an iron deficiency and uses iron supplementation, he needs it and it will help but iron supplementation in a person that has enough iron in his body, is simply not needed and does not offer any benefit. Consult your medic before using supplements, because they may simply not work for you, maybe because you don't need it. Such is the case with Niagen which many people are talking about it seems. Niagen is very popular indeed and it uses 250 milligrams of Nicotinamide Riboside (NR). Niagen supplement is made by LiveCellResearch and was used in clinical trials, humans and animals.

It managed to raise levels of NAD+ or Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide which is important for redox in the metabolism, for energy production and electron transfer and more.

Niagen shows a lot of potential especially in those that are aged or suffer from oxidative stress, but its benefits will very likely vary from person to person, so please do consult a medic before using it.

PhenQ Supplement Review

PhenQ is a pretty decent weight loss supplement which some of you maybe want to check out if you need any help with losing fat. Losing fat and going from overweight to fit, can be a challenge. No matter who you are it will require some effort, it will be more or less difficult. However, it will be more difficult for some than for others. How difficult it will be for you varies based on multiple factors. For example, are you someone that is active? If so, losing fat may be easier because you are already used to, more or less, exercising, jogging, a general physical activity that is more or less intense.

For someone that is a very sedentary person, it will be a challenge to become active since he/she will be used to not being active and your body gets used to it as well.

Depending on what sort of lifestyle you live, losing fat can be easier or harder. It will also depend on your will power or motivation. Some people aren't as motivated as others. There are introverts and extroverts for example and you may thing that this has nothing to do with your physical body and only with your mind and brain, this is not true, this will also influence your physical performance and will power and so on. People that are shy, that have low self-esteem and are used to give up easily will have a hard time in losing fat because you will probably encounter some problems along the way. Maybe results won't come as fast as you want them to, you may think of giving up and you may think that it's not worth it, it is important to stay strong and persevere, keep pushing forward.

Change does not come easy but it's usually more than worth it, you will be healthier, you will look better, feel better and more, I am willing to bet.

Can PhenQ help? It can actually, but it is no miracle supplement, there is no such thing. I am sorry to say but without dieting/physical activity/fitness you won't get much from it. Coupled with those things, however, you will probably be able to get better or faster results as it will help your thermogenesis, metabolism, appetite, etc.  The official website is and it contains natural ingredients like capsaicin, caffeine and niacin/piperine.  It is a supplement worth checking out. It costs about $65 or so and you may be able to receive a better price right now since last time I checked the website, they were offering 20% off for black Friday.  Read full PhenQ Review here!

Pure Forskolin Extract Uses and Risks

High blood pressure is one of the most frequent health problems that people have on average and in this article I want to talk a little bit about it and what causes it and how we can treat it. First off what is high blood pressure?

Well, blood pressure refers to the pressure of the blood that is pumped by your heart throughout your body. The heart pumps blood to your muscles, hands, and feet and to the brain, obviously certain areas of the body such as the feet are far away from the heart and it is harder for the blood to reach there and the heart needs some strength and energy to do this. A precise definition of blood pressure would be the force of the blood that is pushing against the blood vessels or the arteries. One factor that can cause a high blood pressure in many people is sedentarism, a lack of physical activity in one's lifestyle.

You see, now it starts to make sense why it is one of the most frequent health problems because as I've talked about in my other articles, a big portion of the population is overweight or obese and a big part of that reason is a lack of physical activity. People are lazy nowadays because we live in the era of technology, technology makes so many things much easier, we have more jobs that involve computers, sitting down at a desk, we are no longer required to do much physical effort, however, our body, our health depends on a certain level of regular physical activity. Too much sedentarism comes with many health problems, especially for blood vessels, blood pressure, blood circulation and for the heart. Sedentarism has been linked to obesity, heart stroke, colon cancer, depression, diabetes and many other health problems.

Just by being more active you can reduce the risk of developing such problems.

These problems can also be treated, there are medicine, drugs or even supplements that can help to reduce the symptoms, but I am a strong believer in healthy living. I believe that preventing problems is much better and more efficient and healthier than trying to fix them. Regardless, if you do have high blood pressure issues, you might want to check out Forskolin, based on the coelus forskohlii extract. It functions by contracting the heart's muscles and dilating or widening the blood vessels, lowering blood pressure.

It is composed of forskolin extract which is 100% natural. Consult a  medic before using Forskolin!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Athletic Greens - Premium Superfood Review

Studies show that more than 50% of the more than 7 billion people on this planet, which is the earth's population, are overweight and/or obese. What does this tell us? Well, being overweight or obese is caused by factors in one's lifestyle, some more impactful than others. The most impactful factor is eating, it's your diet, eating habits. More than physical activity, your eating habits are what make you fat and dieting is how you can become fit and lose the fat.

Physical activity is done because it consumes energy and this means that you burn more fat, but the very reason why you need to lose fat in the first place is because you eat too many calories so the problem is by no means the fact that you are inactive, it's what you eat. Sure, sedentarism comes with its own problems and I am not saying that it's fine, it's healthy to be sedentary, because it's not. However I just want you to understand that what's making you overweight is what you eat, not even how much you eat.

Anyway, what this also tells us is that more than 50% of people don't have the healthiest eating habits and in turn this means that these individuals are likely to have nutritional deficiencies, to be malnourished and to have health or performance problems that are caused, more or less, by their eating habits and their lack of important nutrients such as vitamins or minerals.

Vitamin D deficiencies, iron deficiencies, these are actually very common even though it should not be so. Omega 3 fatty acid deficiency is another one that is pretty common. In the market, we have products like Athletic Greens, something that I've been meaning to talk about. These are intended to fill in the gaps in one's diet. Not everybody needs supplementation but obviously, since more than half of the population is overweight, we can guess that many people do need supplementation for general health and performance support.

However, certain nutrients can be harmful in high concentrations, especially when you don't have a need for supplementation but you take it anyway. Next, to that, supplementation can be useless when it is not needed because higher quantities of a certain nutrient don't mean better functions or health, it is not that simple. An example of this is antioxidant supplementation. In individuals with oxidative stress, it's helpful. In individuals that don't have oxidative stress and have a well-established balance between oxidants and antioxidants, it offers unnoticeable benefits. Back to Athletic Greens, it is a fine, well-rounded supplement as it is also presented in other online reviews, however the price is ridiculous, unacceptable, overpriced and unreasonable.

Others may have said it before but it does not change the fact that it is true. You can find supplements that may be better, at half that price or maybe a bit more than half but to ask for so much for it, where is the justification? Furthermore, it is not FDA approved, it does not have clinical proof of safety and it does not have clinical proof of efficacy. Read more about Athletic Greens Review here!

Noocube Review: Does This Product Really Work?

Alpha GPC, Huperzine A, Cat's claw, Bacopa Monnieri, Oat Straw, L-theanine, and L-tyrosine are the ingredients in today's supplement that I will be reviewing, called Noocube. I am not sure that I understand the name or where it comes from but I may be missing something, anyway, this is a nootropic supplement, a health-care supplement that aims to improve brain performance as well as brain health using natural ingredients, mostly amino acids and antioxidants. Amino acids are used by your body on a regular basis for multiple things, first, off they are most known for aiding in building protein, they are actually known as the building blocks of proteins.

They are also used in the making of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, such as acetylcholine and others, which is how they aid in promoting better cognitive performance in supplements or in your diet. The plant extracts contain powerful antioxidants which represent very good protection or defense against free radicals which can damage brain cells, in fact, any cells in your body. Each person living experiences radical damage, however, we do not feel it, it's something that is done on the cellular level and accumulates over time and as we age we can begin to feel or see the effects, like aging faster, losing muscle strength and cognitive impairment and a slower metabolism, etc.

To understand how antioxidants protect brain cells from damage, you need to know what radicals are and how they work, why they are harmful. A radical is an unpaired electron which is reactive and unstable and it needs another electron to form a pair and this is how it ceases to be harmful, to be radical.

This is part of why it is harmful because in this reactive state it reacts to cells and molecules around it and attacks them to steal electrons and from this, the chain reaction can occur that are very harmful or toxic to your body.
Antioxidants give electrons to radicals and they don't become unstable or reactive or nothing of the sort from doing this, they remain stable like nothing happened, while neutralizing free radicals.

Visit the official website of NooCube for more information or to order it.

Primal Force Omega Rejuvenol Review

Here is another article on nutrition. I have done a lot of these lately but what can I say, nutrition is a very important part of our lives, even though not everyone cares much for it, or at least enough to eat healthily and make sure they have a diet with a high nutritional value. Anyway, today we're taking a look at Omega Rejuvenol which is a dietary supplement that delivers vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids to your body, supplementing your diet and helping to manage/improve your health. It has two fatty acids, DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid).

You may know already but these cannot be made by your body, it's either food or supplements as a source otherwise you won't get them, which makes them essential nutrients. People that don't have them at all in their diets will probably benefit the most from this supplement. If you already have them, then, of course, you won't benefit as much or at all. Omega Rejuvenol also has vitamin A, vitamin D3, and vitamin K2. The DHA and EPA are extracted from Krill oil and Squid oil instead of fish oil as you normally see. If you're wondering which one is better, krill and squid oil may be more potent/efficient than fish oil according to some studies however fish oil has more studies on its side than the other two which are newer.

Either way, you're definitely doing something good for your health by deciding to add these fatty acids to your diet because of their health benefits, it would be even better if you would take them from diet/foods as opposed to a supplement but it really depends on your situation or health status. Consulting a medic can help with making a good, wise decision. What does science say about the health benefits of EPA and DHA? Well, results are definitely mixed and inconclusive as you can tell from reading actual studies, however, they show promise in helping with ADHD, depression, possibly arthritis, memory and attention and more. The brain definitely benefits from these fatty acids and DHA is actually abundant in the brain as a structural component of it.

But what about Omega Rejuvenol? Is its formula clinically tested or studied? No, it is not. This means that there is no proof that its mix of ingredients in those quantities will work for you or be safe. Feedback is very mixed.

It holds potential however and the ingredients are believed to be safe.
Visit for more info.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Dr Oz Ultra Trim 350 Forskolin Reviews

If you are searching for a good weight loss supplement, Forskolin Ultra Trim 350 might not be the right choice for you, however, it could be a good choice if you have high blood pressure and it can also improve energy levels in the body and increase testosterone. Forskolin Ultra Trim 350 contains 250 milligrams of 20% standardized forskolin, a chemical substance found in the root of the Coelus Forskohlii, a very old plant used in ayurvedic medicine.

Forskolin Ultra Trim 350 is actually advertised as a weight loss supplement and there are some user comments online that are positive, from users that apparently have managed to lose some weight with the help of forskolin.

Forskolin might help you lose weight if combined with a daily workout routine and a healthy diet or with a weight loss supplement, however when it was tested in a clinical trial, on a group of men which took forskolin for a time period of 12 weeks, it did not promote weight loss or fat loss, however it did manage to change body composition by improving testosterone levels, promoting more muscle mass and also changing bone mass as a result.

Only when tested on animals, specifically lab rats, was it able to actually promote weight loss however the same was not seen in the human trial.

Forskolin is believed to be able to promote more energy and a better metabolism but on its own, it cannot do much, however it could help you workout better and have better performance or endurance.
It believed to promote increased levels of cAMP or cyclicAMO ( cyclic adenosine monophosphate) which is a chemical that can stimulate the production of enzyme and hormone which can fuel metabolism and reduce stress. Because of this and also of more testosterone, it can promote the building of lean muscle mass in the human body.

Forskolin can do well for lowering blood pressure because it forces the heart to beat faster and it does so by contracting its muscles and pushing more blood into the vessels and arteries, widening them.

Consult with a medic if you have any health issues, especially in the case of a heart disorder, before using it. For more info, visit the official website.

Yeastrol Reviews: Does It Work?

So we're talking about Yeastrol, which is a product that some of you requested I review. It is one that contains natural ingredients that can help to detoxify the body and thus help with bacterial or yeast infections. To give you an example, it can help treat as well as prevent a type of fungi infection caused by the Candida fungus. Now, normally the candida fungus doesn't cause problems, like other microorganisms in the body, it can just stay there and not cause an infection, but like i said in my probiotic article, if these types of possibly harmful fungi or bacteria have room to grow, they can cause health problems, which is why it is important to have a good, strong immune system to keep them from causing problems and why it is also important to take care of your gut and maintain a healthy gut and digestion. Hygiene and nutrition are very important and also avoid stress because stress can affect the immune system and give more room for such microorganisms to develop.

This product, Yeastrol, works similar to how probiotic supplements work, to offer you protecting, treatment and also prevention of infections. It can provide help for bloating, diarrhea, candida infection, intestinal discomfort or pain, penile yeast infection, urinary tract or vaginal infections, etc.

It can be used by both men and women, unlike other similar product out there and it has received good/positive user feedback. It comes with a money-back guarantee and it also comes at a very affordable price for everyone, $30 for a month's supply. Here are its ingredients: Baptista Tinctoria 3X, Borax 30C, Candida Albicans 12X, Candia Parapsilosis 12X, Echinacea, Angustifolia 3X, Kreosotum 30C, Mercurius Cyanatis 30C, Mercurius Sulphuratus Ruber 30C, Nitricum Acidum 30C, Pyrogenium 200C, Sulphuricum Acidum 30C, Thuja Occidentalis 30C, Purified water, 20% Alcohol.

I recommend that you consult a medic before using this product. It is very easy to use and you can actually efficiently use it no matter where you are. It comes in a small bottle and you spray it under the tongue 2 times, 2-3 times each day. It has no harmful side-effects, so it is quite safe. You can combine it with a healthy diet and a probiotic supplement for even better results.
For more information on Yeastrol, feel free to visit its official website and place your order from there.

Beverly Hills MD Dark Spot Corrector Review - Does it work or Scam?

Water, Glycerin, Polymethylsilsesquioxane, Nylon-12 Fluorescent Brightener 230 Salt, Propanediol, Perfluorodecalin, Phenyl Dimethicone, Polyglyceryl-6 Distearate, Diethylhexyl Carbonate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Sodium Stearoyl Glutamate, Albizia Julibrissin Bark Extract, Sucrose Palmitate, Jojoba Esters, Ammonium Acryloyldimethytaurate/VP Copolymer, Caprylyl Glycol, Phenylpropanol, Chlorphenesin, Cetyl Alcohol, Polyglyceryl-3 Beeswax, Fragrance, Polyvinylalcohol Crosspolymer, Acrylates / C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Xanthan Gum, Glyceryl Linoleate, Tocopheryl Acetate, Steareth-20, Dipeptide Diaminobutyroyl Benzylamide Diacetate, Tocopherol, Sodium Hyaluronate, N-Hydroxysuccinimide, Darutoside, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Caprooyl Tetrapeptide-3, Dextran, Chrysin, Palmitoyl Oligopeptide, Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7.

Just used this for about a week and thought I would recommend it to more people because it does a great job of making my skin pleasant to the touch and also looking good, a bit younger. The above ingredients belong to Dark Circle Corrector which is made by Beverly Hills MD. Not sure what I can say about it except that I was pleased with it and still am, it really is a good product and it's rare that I say this, too bad it's expensive, almost 100$ for a bottle but if you can afford it, it will do good for your skin, not just for dark circles but also fine lines across the surface, I have some on the sides of my mouth but they are very fine, not very defined so when I use this they almost disappear, it's very hard to see them after some time which it takes to settle in. I use it either once or twice a day, sometimes before bed and sometimes in the morning or at noon, it really depends on what I am doing that day or the next.

All of the ingredients are natural and it mainly uses peptides, antioxidants, and amino acids. It can improve collagen production in the skin and apparently it also has some particles in it that can make the lighting on your skin look better, tey is microscopic and fluorescent. If you have a very sensitive skin you might want to check with your medic first, for me it went fine, without any side-effects and I do have a pretty sensitive skin but nothing serious.
For those of you interested, make sure to visit the official Beverly Hills MD website.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Pure Forskolin Extract Review

People type questions about weight loss, such as how to lose weight, thousands of times into google, there's evidence behind this and it really happens. Thousands of people all over the world actually type questions like that on google and seek help or advice from nutrition experts or bodybuilding experts, fitness experts, pay money for workout programs online on their computers or phones, tablets and so on, it really baffles my mind when I think about it simply because you don't have to pay so much money to lose fat and get lean, yet people still do it but the problem actually is not in the fact that they don't know what to do or that they need something to allow them to lose fat, it's in the fact that they lack motivation or drive, discipline, the power to act on their own, there are many more things keeping them down, slowing them down than there are things motivating them to make a change and get to business.

The human body works by taking in nutrients from the things that we consume, both foods and drinks/beverages, breaking them down or converting them, synthesizing them, absorbing them and using them for fuel and for daily functions. The main nutrients that are used as fuel are carbohydrates, calories and fat. The more physically active you are, the more such nutrients you will need to fuel your body and stay healthy and perform well, however if you are not so active, maybe sedentary even, yet despite that you actually take in more calories and carbs and fat than your body demands, those extra nutrients will be deposited into your body's fat reserves which can accumulate quite a lot of fat, that is how an individual becomes overweight. This is how the human body works and it applies to everyone, there's no exception, this is science, this can't be changed and let's admit it, it's common knowledge, yet people actually pay for something that tells them to exercise and eat healthier, for knowledge that they already have.

If only you could pay for motivation and discipline, it could possibly be the cure for this worldwide "epidemic" of overweight people and obesity. I've given advice to people on how to lose fat and what to do for years and many of them still failed because of being lazy, unmotivated and not having enough discipline to stick to the routine required to lose fat for sometimes more than a week, I learned that this is the true problem that most individuals have and that needs to be fixed and that unfortunately no supplement can help with. Everything starts small with the first step you make but many people can't make that one step and many others give up after only a few, if you can keep going and not give up and not cheat, that is when you will truly achieve your goal. For those of you that can do this and that are also looking for a supplement to help with your progress and performance, be sure to check out Pure Forskolin Extract.

Niagen - Nicotinamide Riboside Review

Some people out there care more for belief than for fact or for science, that is a fact, however there's no denying that belief offers no certainty. You can say that you believe something but even you must realize that if your belief does not have any valid, real solid evidence, then it is not certain or verifiable or even true. I prefer science, because science tries to find evidence for things and to offer valid explanations for things that we can see or observe.

For me personally, belief is like sitting on a glass floor that could break anytime and I could fall, I wouldn't feel safe and also I do have a fear of heights so there's that. Science is like sitting on a solid concrete, secure floor that you know will not break down and that you can trust.
With that said, things like smoking causes cancer or contributes to it, oxidants cause damage to cells and contribute to aging, these things have scientific evidence so we know they are real, yet even so, some people will deny these things despite the evidence.

I just had to mention this because in this article I am talking about Niagen and it is a supplement that can help with aging and that works by helping your body produce more NAD+ which is a substance that is essential for energy production, cell signaling, cell to cell communication and much more. If we can all agree that there are factors in our lives, the enviroment that we live in, that cause oxidants in the body and that cause damage to the body over time which accumulates and contributes to aging and to various health problems and performance problems like cancer, cognitive decline and more, then Niagen can help because it is proven clinically to help humans produce more NAD+ thus helping our cells work better and be better protected against oxidation.

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is naturally produced by your body however aging as it naturally occurs in your body, causes you to make less of it. Aging itself is determined by information in your genes orDNA but also can be heavily influenced by smoking tobacco, unhealty eating habits, UV light, pollution, radiation, physical activity or sedentarism and so many other factors. 

Nicotinamide riboside, the ingredient used by Niagen, is a precursor to NAD+. To understand what that means you have to understand the measing ot the word precursor. A precursor is like an ingredient, a chemical that is turned into another chemical compound. A precursor is a chemical that can be used to synthesize something else or that can transform into something else.

By giving the body NR, it uses it to make NAD+. In turn your cells use the NAD+ to make energy, it improves cell signaling and so on. It is the first comercially available form of NR, Niagen that is. Visit or for more information.

Geniux Reviews - Smart Pill or Scam?

This is a review for Geniux which is one of the many, many dietary nootropic supplements marketed and sold over the internet which anyone with a credit card can buy, no prescription or anything like that needed unlike nootropics like Adderall, Ritalin and so on, which do require a prescription and are controlled drugs. Well, there is a reason for why they require prescription and are controlled drugs, nootropics are not meant to be used by the average, healthy individual and they are not clinically proven or tested for that matter in enhancing cognitive performance in healthy individuals, they are medicine for people with ADHD, with Alzheimer's, who are not healthy and need help, treatment.

Not many people will tell you this, especially not those companies that sell online dietary nootropics, that's because they want to make money and care very little if at all about your well-being, or your wallet's well-being for that matter. The science behind nootropics is also lacking, foggy, whatever you want to call it, there is little information on the long-term side-effects and the benefits for healthy individuals appear to be mild at best, not much different in most cases than what a cup of coffee can offer because you know, caffeine stimulates the brain and tricks adenosine receptors which is why it can actually help physical/cognitive performance, but it's not a true nootropic.

Some scientists actually say that nootropic use in healthy individuals may in fact cause more harm then good, especially in the long-term leading to potential problems such as diarrhea, heart issues, insomnia, anxiety and impaired brain performance, like a backfire side-effect. This is even more true when individuals abuse nootropics without consulting a medic first, especially if they also use other drugs or suffer or have suffered from certain health problems. Now what about supplements like Adderin? These do not require prescription and online they all claim to be safe, natural and efficient.
Well, forget about the claims that companies make because without proof they are unfounded and you will not find clinical proof. The only reason they are being marketed is because FDA doesn't require companies that sell them to provide evidence of safety or efficiency, treating them more like food supplements than medicine.

People do order supplements like Geniux but with no clinical evidence, fake endorsements, unfounded claims and more, it is my opinion that it is not worth the risk.

Beverly Hills MD Lift + Firm Sculpting Cream Reviews

Lift and Firm Sculpting Cream is a skin-care product from Beverly Hills MD which promises to improve the look of your skin and the health of your skin. It is completely natural and it deals with mild signs of aging such as fine lines, some wrinkles, mild dark circles under the eyes and so on.

It is a pretty popular product and used by many people across the world, however, not everything is good about it and I'm here to talk about some of the negatives and help you make the decision of buying it and using it or avoiding it. The first negative about Lift and Firm Sculpting Cream is its price, it costs $120, that is a big sum of money, if that is not a lot of money then you're not the average person, you might even be rich.

Even more so it is not necessarily that number that is ridiculous but the fact that it's not really justified. Based on its ingredients and also on the feedback that it has received from the people that have ordered it and used it, Lift and Firm Sculpting Cream appears to be an overpriced product that does not do what it claims, quite weak when it comes to skin-care, some of its users say that it's more or less a moisturizer and doesn't do much outside of hydrating or moisturizing your skin. You could say that you're paying $120 for a moisturizer.

Add to that the fact that not one but multiple of its ingredients lack the clinical evidence or the scientific research proof of helping with skin-care. Caviar extract for example, first of all, Beverly Hills MD does not specify what exactly is this caviar extract that they are using, what part of the caviar they are using and you won't find any independent clinical trial or research on caviar extract benefits for skin care, all of them are done by companies that make the products, I'm sure you can see the problem here.

In my personal opinion, this product is not worth the money for what it offers in return. For those of you still interested in using it though, or perhaps reading more about it, please visit the official Beverly Hills MD website.

Here is the full list of ingredients which is also on their website: Water, Aloe Vera Butter (Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil + Aloe Vera Extract), Acetyl Dipeptide-1 Cetyl Ester, Isononyl Isononanoate, Sorbitan Laurate, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Butylene Glycol, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Sodium Acrylates Copolymer, Lecithin (Phospholipids Derived From Soy), Linum Usitatissimim Seed (Linseed) Extract, Glycerin, Cyathea Cumingi (Tree Fern) Leaf Extract, Hydrolyzed Silk, Trifluoroacetyl Tripeptide, PVM/MA Copolymer, Dextran, Glyceryl Polyacrylate, Polymethyl Methacrylate, Avena Sativa (Oat) Extract, Allantoin, Camellia Sinesis (Green Tea) Extract, Caviar extract, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Copper Gluconate, Magnesium Aspartate, Symphytum Officinale Extract, Tetrasodium Glutamate Diacetate, Tocopherol (Vitamin E), Zinc Gluconate, Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Fragrance (Parfum).

Increase Brain Power with Adderin

Adderin is a nootropic supplement, also known as a brain enhancing supplement and it can supposedly help you with memory and thinking in general. Nootropics are nothing new, many people use them, perhaps students more than other individuals. If you've never used a nootropic before, one example I can give you of something close to a nootropic although not considered a true nootropic drug but more of a stimulant is coffee, caffeine.

If you drink coffee you may get jittery and feel uneasy, it really depends on the person, many people drink caffeine it is one of the most popular drinks in the world, I drink it myself and for me, the only side-effect is some digestive problems but I still drink it because I love it.

Basically caffeine works by mimicking another chemical in your brain which is adenosine, who's role is to signal your brain that you are tired and sleepy and that you need rest, the enemy of performance and endurance and caffeine cancels out adenosine and tricks your brain into thinking you are fine, you don't need sleep/rest, you can continue.

Caffeine helps cognitive performance as well as physical performance, you can drink it but also you can swallow caffeine pills or capsules. Adderin, in fact, does contain caffeine, at least according to its website and to its label on the bottle but I can't tell you how much, it does not say and it doesn't say the amounts for the rest of its ingredients, something that belongs in the cons department because not knowing what quantities you're getting means the supplement is potentially useless or doesn't work as advertised. A second con is the use of fake marketing or false endorsements and unfounded claims for which it lacks any clinical evidence.

All these things in mind and as you can guess it also has negative reviews, that is pretty much what you get. Another thing about Adderin is that it has the same ingredients as Addium and also as Geniux and who knows, maybe there are other "nootropics" out there with the same ingredients or that at least claim to have these ingredients.

The ingredients themselves are good, but we don't know in what quantities they are present and if they're even there, there's no proof, I could take a bottle of water right now and be creative and make something good looking to cover it up and tell you that it's juice inside, really good juice made of natural ingredients, no additives or artificial ingredients, make all kinds of claims but it would be water you just wouldn't know it and I'd even put a list of ingredients on the bottle but I wouldn't mention the quantities and maybe I add in the water some real juice to give it flavour, when you shop online this can be a reality, there are counterfeit products. I am not saying that Adderin is one but all things considered, I can't trust it and I wouldn't recommend it. Read Adderin Review here!