Probiotic bacteria are important for your immune system and your digestion the most, but they clearly have a bigger impact on health and performance, unfortunately, though we don't understand them completely or their mechanisms of action through which they offer their benefits to us. Some scientists believe that these bacteria have influence over the brain as well, over mood and over cognitive performance. It could very well be so and the more we know, we could maybe one day use them as a part of nootropic supplements.
Your body already has probiotic bacteria in it, but it's impossible to know how many exactly. It's roughly estimated that you have a minimum of 30 trillion bacteria in your body and that you can have up to several hundreds of trillions so it's entirely possible that you can or may have more bacteria than the number of human cells that make up your body.
They multiply really fast and easily if the conditions are right, but can just as easily die and your gut can be affected negatively by an imbalance in the gut microflora.
Antibiotics are one of the main causes for microbiome imbalances because of antibiotics, of course, kill bacteria, probiotics too. Abusing antibiotic kills a lot of probiotic bacteria and can cause digestive problems as well as make you more susceptible to sickness. Products such as Bio X4 can help by colonizing your gut with probiotic bacteria and helping to restore a healthy balance. Bio X4 offers 5 strains including L. acidophilus and L. rhamnose, as well as digestive enzymes, green tea, and Caralluma Fimbriata extract to reduce appetite and promote fat loss. Visit to find out more or order.
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