Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Primal Force Omega Rejuvenol Review

Here is another article on nutrition. I have done a lot of these lately but what can I say, nutrition is a very important part of our lives, even though not everyone cares much for it, or at least enough to eat healthily and make sure they have a diet with a high nutritional value. Anyway, today we're taking a look at Omega Rejuvenol which is a dietary supplement that delivers vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids to your body, supplementing your diet and helping to manage/improve your health. It has two fatty acids, DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid).

You may know already but these cannot be made by your body, it's either food or supplements as a source otherwise you won't get them, which makes them essential nutrients. People that don't have them at all in their diets will probably benefit the most from this supplement. If you already have them, then, of course, you won't benefit as much or at all. Omega Rejuvenol also has vitamin A, vitamin D3, and vitamin K2. The DHA and EPA are extracted from Krill oil and Squid oil instead of fish oil as you normally see. If you're wondering which one is better, krill and squid oil may be more potent/efficient than fish oil according to some studies however fish oil has more studies on its side than the other two which are newer.

Either way, you're definitely doing something good for your health by deciding to add these fatty acids to your diet because of their health benefits, it would be even better if you would take them from diet/foods as opposed to a supplement but it really depends on your situation or health status. Consulting a medic can help with making a good, wise decision. What does science say about the health benefits of EPA and DHA? Well, results are definitely mixed and inconclusive as you can tell from reading actual studies, however, they show promise in helping with ADHD, depression, possibly arthritis, memory and attention and more. The brain definitely benefits from these fatty acids and DHA is actually abundant in the brain as a structural component of it.

But what about Omega Rejuvenol? Is its formula clinically tested or studied? No, it is not. This means that there is no proof that its mix of ingredients in those quantities will work for you or be safe. Feedback is very mixed.

It holds potential however and the ingredients are believed to be safe.
Visit Primalforce.net for more info.

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