Saturday, March 24, 2018

CBD Pure Hemp Oil Reduces Stress

Reducing stress with Cannabidiol. Is that possible?

Cannabidiol is a major active compound of the Cannabis plants, which in comparison with the THC it is not psychoactive, therefore it is not involved in causing altered states of consciousness. The CBD Pure Hemp Oil nutritional supplement is made of CBD, therefore it shares the same benefits and side effects as the CBD itself.

CBD Pure Hemp Oil – Main beneficial effects on humans overall health

Dozens of studies have been conducted in order to prove the benefits the CBD brings to the human's health. Collecting the data recorded by these studies, it is correct to say that the CBD is:
  • diminishing the inflammation in the body
  • reducing the intensity of seizures in epilepsy
  • fighting the psychotic disorders
  • combating neurodegenerative disorders
  • eliminating cancerous cells
  • defending against various cancer forms
  • having antidepressant properties
  • reducing the negative effects of anxiety and depression
  • reducing stress
  • having antioxidant properties
  • offering joint and muscles support
  • relieving from chronic pains
  • reducing nausea and vomiting

CBD Pure Hemp Oil Reduces Stress

One of the beneficial effects offered by the CBD is very important nowadays. The lives the many of us are living are not meant to peaceful and relaxing. Hard working, climate changes, polluted environment, and unhealthy foods are just a few of all the very common stress factors, nowadays.
And the biggest issue is that the stress is not only affecting psychologically, being also a huge risk factor for heart diseases, cancer, and other diseases that can be lethal.
Finding a way to reduce stress could be very important to reduce the risks for the stress-related diseases.

Look no further! The Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the greatest substances that reduce stress. Therefore, the nutritional supplements based on CBD are very helpful in that direction.
CBD supplements, such as the CBD Pure Hemp Oil, because of the CBD content, are reducing stress, and stress-related psychological disorders by interacting with the Serotonin receptors in the brain and by improving the birth of new neurons in the brain (neurogenesis).

Interacting with the Serotonin receptors.
The CBD is activating the 5-HT1A receptors in the human's brain, which is involved in the Serotonin reception. The Serotonin is also known as the hormone of happiness and it is directly involved in stress reduction if found in normal amounts. When the Serotonin level is lower, then the body defensive response to stress stimuli decreases causing stress and stress-related disorders.
The CBD is helping the body to secrete more Serotonin, therefore it is regulating the body defensive response to stress factors.

Stimulating the neurogenesis.
The nervous system cells, the neurons are involved in a multitude of activities, from thinking to regulating organs functions. As the time passes by, but also due to some risk factors, the neurons, such as any other cell in the human body, die. If for any other cells, the replacement process of a dead cell with a new one is easy, then in the case of neurons is not as easy.
The birth of new neurons, known as neurogenesis, is very important in regulating proper brain functions.

An improper neurogenesis can lead to brain malfunctions, stress, anxiety, and depression.
The supplements based on CBD, such as the CBDPure Hemp Oil supplement, are improving the neurogenesis, therefore are successfully reducing stress and stress-related disorders.
There have been conducted various clinical studies in this regard.

Studies on animals have proven that the CBD is actually helping the body to cope with stress, to reduce blood pressure, and to reduce the heart rate.

Also, some studies have been conducted on men. A study conducted on 24 men suffering from SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder) has proven that the CBD lowered anxiety, stress, and overall discomfort.
The regular dosage of CBD for reducing stress, as it is described by CBD supplements' producers, is of 20-25 mg of CBD, even though a dosage of 600mg of CBD has been used in the clinical studies.

CBD Pure Hemp Oil – Prices

If decided to use CBD Pure Hemp Oil Oil for reducing stress, then you should know that this supplement comes in three different packages:
  • 1 bottle of CBD Pure Hemp Oil 100 mg – $29.99
  • 1 bottle of CBD Pure Hemp Oil 300 mg – $54.99
  • 1 bottle of CBD Pure Hemp Oil 600 mg – $79.99
Upon every purchase, you'll have to sign a subscription agreement, meaning that you'll get a new dose of CBD Pure Hemp Oil once your first one is finished.

CBD Pure Hemp Oil – Is it legal?

CBD Pure Hemp Oil is produced with the CBD that has been extracted from 100% natural, no-THC Cannabis plants (hemp) that were harvest only for this purpose, so it is completely safe for consumption.

The US legislation considers the CBD extracted from hemp as a legal product since it is not psychoactive and contains no traces of THC.

On the other hand, the CBD extracted from Cannabis plants that were harvest for drugs production (Marijuana, Hashish, and so forth) is considered illegal and the production, the selling, the holding, and the consumption of this type of CBD is forbidden, in terms of the law, due to the fact that it will most definitely contain traces of THC.
I repeat, CBD Pure Hemp Oil contains only the safe CBD, therefore it is legal.

Conclusion on CBD Pure Hemp Oil and its power to reduce stress

Clinical studies have proven the powerful stress reduction properties of the CBD, therefore the CBD Pure Hemp Oil supplement, which contains only CBD in its purest form, can bring the same beneficial effect upon consumption.
My conclusion is that the CBD Pure Hemp Oil reduces stress because it is made of CBD (Cannabidiol).